Motorist gave ‘demonstration of bad driving’

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A motorist gave a demonstration of bad driving after darting out in front of a police patrol car after drinking, a court was told.

John Palfrey’s car, which had no lights on, was stuttering and weaving about the road with its engine being revved.

He then narrowly missed hitting a parked car and drove down the centre of the road causing an oncoming car to flash its lights before he moved over, magistrates were told.

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Palfrey, 24, of Windsor Avenue, South Shore, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He was banned from the road for 15 months and fined £130 with £85 costs plus £20 victims’ surcharge by District Judge Duncan Birrell sitting at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

The judge told him: “Your driving suggests you were clearly not in a fit state to be behind a wheel.”

Pam Smith, prosecuting, said the incident happened on March 5, at 11.17pm.

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Palfrey emerged from a side road in a VW Golf without giving way.

Police followed and saw him commit a series of driver errors.

They put on their car’s lights and sirens, but at first Palfrey only slowed, the court heard.

When he stopped, the car rolled back and an officer had to take the keys.

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A breath test showed 57 micrograms of alcohol in his body – 35 micrograms is the legal limit.

Steven Townley, defending, said his client had acted stupidly.

He had been in the George pub with a friend and agreed to drive when asked by the friend who said he had drunk too much.