Letters - August 8, 2017

Harrowside bridge is likely to be shut for several monthsHarrowside bridge is likely to be shut for several months
Harrowside bridge is likely to be shut for several months
What on earth is the matter with this awful council?

Their minds are so full of constructing expensive white elephants. Big hotels whose guests would expect a first class resort not a dump like Blackpool.

I went into the so-called town centre last week. I had not been for a couple of months and always walk through from Wilkinsons. On turning into Church Street and walking to the shops I got a shock. I could not believe what I saw, tatty shops, empty shops, the whole place was so run-down, it really saddened me. How can it have got so bad in two months ? I would not want to stay more than a few hours, let alone a week.

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A ridiculous tram system running up Talbot Road so that families with all the usual ephemura – suitcases, children, buggies etc. etc. will end up squeezed on a tram instead of a taxi taking them straight to their hotels. Plain silly, put some thought into it.

Do what everyone is saying and build a bus station with taxi ranks. Taxi drivers have nowhere to drop passengers without unpleasant wardens giving them a hard time, even when helping elderly people out .

It is rather scary walking up Talbot Road with men sleeping or lounging in the doorways watching, I had to cross the road at one point as I did not feel safe – nice for visitors to see as they come from the train.

I hate to say it but there is something wrong with Blackpool…let’s mention Harrowside Bridge. John Blackledge says ‘we regularly carry out inspections to make sure road users are safe’. These so-called inspections are so regular that all of a sudden the steel – yes steel – reinforcements are found to be corroded by –wait for it - 40 per cent. This is not the result of regular inspections, this is the result of not having any form of regularity and a total knee-jerk reaction to blatant inefficiency.

Honestl, you can’t make it up !


Name and address supplied


Jeremy Vine is everywhere

I refer to the debate on BBC broadcasters’ pay.

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The BBC’s claim that you have to pay the going rate is somewhat self-inflicted.

Given they are not under the same pressure as commercial broadcasters to produce an instant hit, what do they do about nurturing home-grown talent?

Creating more talented broadcasters would reduce individuals’ pay. I have lost count how many programmes Jeremy Vine is on – from The Jeremy Vine Show and election specials to Eggheads etc – and he is far from unique in the limited pool the BBC use.

I see and hear that much of Mr Vine, I half expect him to be staring up at me one morning when I draw back my curtains.

He seems to get everywhere else.

Andrew Suter

via email


Open prison is a contradiction

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Re: Kirkham Prison. If men have absconded from this ‘open prison’, surely they didn’t ‘escape’. They simply walked out.

Whoever put ‘open’ and ‘prison’ in the same sentence is barmy.

Mike Picewicz

via email


At this rate rural Fylde will be gone

Recently I submitted a planning objection to a second housing development for another 93 houses on Copp Lane in the lovely rural village of Great Eccleston.

Today I received a notice from Wyre Council of an appeal by the developer, i.e. Metacre Ltd. The company already has permission for a similar development on the outskirts of the village (work is currently underway) but this new development would actually double the number of new houses to nearly 200. I accept we need new housing but it should be proportionate and in the right locations.

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This appeal is flying in the face of Wyre Borough Council and local residents. It will significantly increase the number of houses. There is already inadequate infrastructure and amenities to support these numbers. Look how long it takes to get a GP or dental appointment, schools that are already under pressure and great difficulty parking in and around the village.

This is happening all the time due to government planning policy. We are suffering because successive governments have not had a fit for purpose housing policy.

At this rate we will lose significant green space to housing developments and the rest will become fracking sites! This is not my vision for the Fylde and not why I chose to live here.

Barbara Richardson



Unfair to tarnish 
all youths

I felt I had to respond to the letter entitled ‘Love and respect lacking in technology-addicted lives’ (Your Say, July 28).

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It is in no one’s best interest to attack the youth of today.

This is the world in which they live, as do we all.

To constantly compare the ‘old days’ to nowadays, in effect, segregates the generations and achieves nothing.

To tarnish all ‘these young ones’ with having no respect for old people is quite unfair.

Unfortunately, there are disrespectful people in society, regardless of their age.

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Surely the most positive way forward would be to see people as individuals and not to categorise them by their age group.

Where I do agree with Mrs J G, as no doubt do many others, are the negative effects that limitless exposure to technology can have on someone.

All that we can do, by working together, is to identify problems and deal with them through education and guidance.

Mrs L C

Address supplied