Alley gate proposal to prevent flytipping in Fleetwood

Rubbish dumped in an alley behind Addison Road, Fleetwood. Picture by Rita Hewitt.Rubbish dumped in an alley behind Addison Road, Fleetwood. Picture by Rita Hewitt.
Rubbish dumped in an alley behind Addison Road, Fleetwood. Picture by Rita Hewitt.
A Fleetwood councillor has proposed new plans to prevent fly-tipping in Fleetwood streets.

Fly-tippers left piles of rubbish, garden waste and even old mattresses in alleyways behind Park Road, Addison Road and Wyre Street this week, much to the horror of nearby residents.

Town councillor Rita Hewitt said: “The rubbish in that area is unbelievable and I think the only way we can stop it is to put gates up at the end of the alleyway to stop people driving through and fly-tipping. Rubbish is a big problem in Fleetwood and it’s getting out of control.

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“It is especially bad behind Wyre Street, where there is empty land covered in rubbish, mattresses and all sorts.”

She added that she hopes to successfully campaign for Wyre Council to install gates at the entrance of the alleyways behind Park Road, Addison Street and Wyre Street to stop fly-tippers gaining access to the dumping hotspots.

She said: “The council can pick up the rubbish, but removing it doesn’t fix the problem in the long-term.

“That’s why it’s important that we have some gates put up as soon as possible in the area.”

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Wyre Council said there have been 826 cases of fly-tipping across the borough between April and September this year, down from 943 on the same period last year. A council spokesman said: “We are aware of the problems in these locations and our area officer has been talking to local residents about how to tackle it. Rubbish is often left by people living nearby or is a result of bins not being managed properly, which means alley gates would not solve the problem. If anyone does see somebody dumping rubbish, we encourage them to report it so our local area teams can investigate quickly.”


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