Brave Freya to set own walking record

Freya Butterfield, who has myotonic dystrophy, with her mum Joanne McCabeFreya Butterfield, who has myotonic dystrophy, with her mum Joanne McCabe
Freya Butterfield, who has myotonic dystrophy, with her mum Joanne McCabe
A Blackpool girl with a life-limiting muscle disorder will defy all odds to set her own personal walking record.

Freya Butterfield, five, has myotonic dystrophy, a type of muscular dystrophy that causes progressive muscle wasting.

She will walk next month from North to Central Pier - 0.6 miles - to raise money in the fight against the disorder.

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It will be the furthest the Highfurlong pupil has ever walked.

Her mum Joanne McCabe, 32, who is also Freya’s carer, said: “She has been slower with her walking than the rest of the kids. She only started walking half a year ago and she still can’t run.

“It’s quite a walk for someone in her condition.”

Her dad Dan Butterfield, 30, said: “When Freya walked for the first time it was very emotional. We were told that she might never be able to walk.

“Freya always pushed through.”

A fundraiser has been set up in Freya’s name at Find out more at