Festive crackdown around Lancashire on serious crimes

Julian plattJulian platt
Julian platt
Cash-in-transit robberies, cash machine thefts, drink and drug drivers, and '˜Hanoi' burglaries '“ where expensive or high-powered vehicles are stolen from homes '“ will be the focus of a new police crackdown in the run-up to Christmas.

Dubbed Operation Sorbus, it will continue until the end of December and be led by the Tactical Operations team.

Insp Julian Platt said: “Ahead of Christmas these types of offences increase and, in turn, we are increasing our activity to tackle these crimes. We want to help deter and detect this criminal activity and bring these offenders to justice.”

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Stop checks on vehicles will be done, officers will work with delivery drivers and security vans to “support the delivery of money to cash machines”, businesses will be visited and given advice, and the borders with Manchester and Liverpool will be patrolled by armed and un-armed officers to stop stolen cars.