Latest convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Monday, December 17, 2018

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is the latest round-up of cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

Anthony Hurley, 28, breach of the peace

A man described as drunk at breakfast time offered a bare knuckle fight to his brother after they fell out.

Anthony Hurley, 28, of Hornby Road, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to breach of the peace.

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Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court

He was bound over in the sum of £100 for 12 months by District Judge Jane Goodwin.

Prosecutor, Alex Mann, said police were called to Hurley’s home on December 11, at 7.30am, where he was being aggressive to his brother.

Police described Hurley as being very drunk.

There was a broken television outside the address and Hurley was upset with his brother.

Hurley was topless and offering a bare-knuckle fight to his brother.

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Latest convictions from Blackpool's court - Friday, December 14, 2018

A grandfather who was hard-up stole hundreds of pounds of coats from a shop to give to his family as Christmas presents.

Lee Ridler, 47, of Chatsworth Avenue, Bispham, pleaded guilty to shoplifting and being in breach of a conditional discharge for an offence of theft of perfume from the same shop.

He was sentenced to do 100 hours unpaid work for the community and ordered to pay £85 costs with £85 victims’ surcharge.

Presiding magistrate, David Hearton, told him: “Last time you came before us we gave you a two year conditional discharge and you just threw it back at us.

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“You said you thought you would not get caught - well you did.”

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said an alert went out on November 14, at 3.45pm, that Ridler had been seen leaving TK Maxx with three coats valued at £309 over his arm, that he had not paid for.

Ridler, who was apprehended by security officers nearby, had a record of 32 previous theft and similar offences.

Howard Green, defending, said his client, who helped care for his step-grandson, was living on a mixture of carer’s allowance and income support benefits.

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Ridler had not gone out with the intention of stealing but he needed Christmas presents for the family and could not afford it.

When he saw the coats he thought they would make the perfect presents, so on the spur of the moment he took them and walked out setting off the alarms.

In a report to the court, probation officer Gillian O’Flaherty, told magistrates that Ridler said he had started offending again after he split-up with his wife.

Matthew Eland, 25, drink-driving

A drink-driver held his hands up and apologised when he was stopped by police in Cleveleys.

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Matthew Eland, 25, of Mowbray Road, Fleetwood, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He was disqualified from driving for 40 months, fined £300 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 costs.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said police saw Eland was speeding in a Peugeot and driving erratically on North Drive, Cleveleys, on November 26 at 1.35am.

On Bedale Road, Eland stopped, held up his hand to an officer and said: “I’m sorry mate.” A breath test showed he was more than twice over the limit with 88 microgrammes of alcohol in his body - 35 is the limit.

Peter O’Brien, 47, breach of restraining order

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A man accused of illegally contacting a woman he was banned from seeing has been refused bail and remanded in custody .

Peter O’Brien, 47, of Springfield Road, North Shore, pleaded not guilty to breaching a restraining order on December 11.

O’Brien was remanded in custody towards his trial on January 28 by District Judge Goodwin.

Sean Green, 25, assault, drunk and disorderly

A man kicked a police officer on the leg and spat at him twice after being arrested.Sean Green also shouted at officers called them “rapists” and “paedos” and had to be put in handcuffs, leg restraints and a spit hood.Green, 25, of Belmont Avenue, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to assault on police and being drunk and disorderly.

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He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 25 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, fined £20 and ordered to pay £100 compensation to the officer.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said police were trying help a man who was unconscious outside The Venue, North Promenade, on November 24, at 3am, when Green came up and started interfering to such an extent officers were preventing from aiding the man. After Green was arrested he repeatedly banged his head on the inside of the police van until he was unconscious. In the holding cell he kicked an officer and spat twice at him. The spittle landed first on the officer’s trouser leg and then his forearm.