Sex offender ‘lived at home where girl visited’

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A convicted sex offender was found to have lived at an address where a six-year-old girl was a regular visitor.

Gary Croft said he had lived at his mother’s home at times because he and his wife were splitting up.

Croft, 64, of Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes, pleaded guilty to failing to notify a change of address to police.

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He was bailed for pre-sentence reports and was warned he may be jailed by Blackpool magistrates.

Alison Quanbrough, prosecuting, said Croft was given a suspended prison sentence in 2008 and put on the Sex Offenders Register for seven years for an offence of voyeurism.

On October 30 officers from the police Sex Offenders Unit went to his given address at Kilgrimol Gardens. They spoke to Croft’s wife who said her husband had moved out two-and-half weeks earlier and gone to his mother’s home in Blackpool.

Officers checked with Croft’s mother, who confirmed her son had been living there. The police concern was that a six-year-old girl regularly visited Croft’s mum’s address.

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Ashley Fisher, defending, said the case had arisen because Croft and his wife were having marital difficulties.

Initially he went to his mum’s for one or two nights until the dust between himself and his wife had settled.

Mr Fisher added: “He may be staying more at his mum’s, as I think he is not confident of mending his marriage.”