Homes plan for garden

Land at the rear of Carson Road, Marton, which a house owner wants to build houses on.Land at the rear of Carson Road, Marton, which a house owner wants to build houses on.
Land at the rear of Carson Road, Marton, which a house owner wants to build houses on.
A fresh bid to build houses in the back garden of a Marton bungalow looks set to secure planning permission.

In 2014, an application for 13 homes on land at the rear of the property on Preston New Road was withdrawn after being recommended for refusal after neighbours living in Carson Road and Newhouse Road objected.

There were concerns over the impact on wildlife and a possible increase in traffic.

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It would have seen the loss of some trees on the land, and the demolition of two existing semis to create an access to the site on to Carson Road.

But the latest application is seeking only the principle of development and has been recommended for approval when it goes before Blackpool Council’s planning committee next Tuesday.

Since a previous plan for six flats on the site was approved in 2000, planners say the assumption of development has already been established although that approval lapsed in 2008.

A report to the planning committee says; “The proposal is in outline only with all matters (scale, siting, layout, access, landscaping) reserved for future consideration.

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“The site is in a sustainable location and any adverse impacts arising from the development, that is on the amenities of the local residents in terms of close proximity, overlooking, site layout, parking provision for future occupiers of the development, private amenity space etc, could be designed out at a later date.”

But objections have been lodged by four residents living on Carson Road, and one from Preston New Road.

They have repeated their fears about loss of wildflife, and the impact of traffic on the surrounding streets.

One neighbour says in a letter submitted in response to the latest application: “All the previous applications for building on this land have been rejected for the same reasons, among others for the sheer quantity of habitation for such a small area.”

The site has been at the centre of a battle to build houses since 1999 when plans for 37 flats were thrown out.