Letters - December 26, 2018

Were any of your Christmas parcels just dumped on the doorstep by a driver in a hurry?Were any of your Christmas parcels just dumped on the doorstep by a driver in a hurry?
Were any of your Christmas parcels just dumped on the doorstep by a driver in a hurry?
Have you suffered from knock and run?

Delivery drivers under time pressures for the companies which employ them have been a nightmare over the Christmas period.

They have no consideration as they briefly ring or knock once on a person’s door. They almost immediately turn and go, with no time allowed for the person who may be at home to respond.

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What about elderly and disabled? What about the time taken to dry your hands if busy in the kitchen? Time to come downstairs? Time interrupting a phone call etc? We are not hovering next to our front doors, ready to open the moment you approach our door!

And you know what is most annoying? The parcel or package is usually for a neighbour, who is out or maybe in, but they couldn’t be bothered to wait for them to respond.

I’m absolutely sick of responding to my door bell only to open and see a parcel delivery van just disappearing! Stop this silly game of knock and run!


Addressed supplied


Just go now, Prime Minister

What a mess. A Government where the cabinet is divided top to bottom, with MPs threatening to resign the Conservatives’ whip, and over a third of Conservative MPs voting to sack a Prime Minister so wooden in her approach she could be sponsored by Cuprinol. If a Labour Government was in this state, the media would rip it to shreds.

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But with much of the press owned by billionaires and foreign businessmen telling us what to think, Theresa May believes she can put her own survival before the national interest.

It’s clear, after nearly three years, the Conservatives are simply not able to manage the Brexit crisis. But it’s worse than that. They are spending billions on options which are not going to happen and squandering huge resources which could be better served investing in police, health and social care.

She is a lame duck Prime Minister who has already announced that she is standing down. Why not spare us the agony and go now, taking your divided and fractious party with you?

Let the people decide, or are you too afraid to trust us now we know the reality of Brexit?

Mrs J Pilkington

via email


Not everyone wants a statue

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Has it not occurred to councillors that not all Lancashire people might be thrilled at the idea of a statue to Edith Rigby (pictured) in the county?

The reason that Rigby, who came from Lancashire, might not be as ‘cherished’ by all, as is being made out, nor much heard of until these politically correct times, is that whilst certainly a ‘firebrand’ (which in itself is a very odd way of putting it when speaking about her), she was an arsonist who claimed to have set fire to Lord Leverhulme’s bungalow at Rivington Pike.

He was sympathetic to the cause of suffrage but it is doubtful he would have continued to be so once his home had gone up in flames.

She also planted a bomb in the Liverpool Corn Exchange, although thankfully it caused little damage.

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At the time of these events, arson was considered a serious crime, as it still is, so why is this being overlooked simply to set her ‘metaphorically’ on a pedestal to placate our so-called enlightened times?

If that proposition was put forward in the future to glorify a perpetrator of one of our modern day ‘causes’ - believed by them even if not the rest of us - then all hell would be let loose at the idea.

Emily Wilding Davison was another. She had no thought that she might have killed the jockey or the race-goers when she threw herself in front of King George V’s horse Anmer at the Derby in 1913.

She might not have valued her life but I’m sure the jockey and anyone she might have injured or killed valued theirs.

There were many suffragettes who were able to make a point without resorting to violence or the desecration of property.

Christine Cross

via email