REVEALED: The dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see red

The dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see redThe dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see red
The dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see red
Tailgating, middle lane hoggers, no indicators, too fast, too slow, blocking junctions, not staying in lane at roundabouts, indecision, talking on mobile phones...other people's driving gets on our nerves!

We asked you to tell us your most hated motoring faux pas’ – and you responded in your hundreds. Jack Penswick reports.

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Hundreds of Fylde coast residents have their say on the highway menaces

Michael Read, 76, lives in North Shore after moving to the Fylde coast from Southampton earlier this year. The former English teacher is a member of IAM RoadSmart, the new name for the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

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The dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see redThe dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see red
The dodgy driving habits making Fylde motorists see red

Here he explains the faux pas’ that drive motorists bonkers.

“After passing her driving test, a young woman took great pleasure in tearing up the Highway Code along with her L plates, saying it was now totally irrelevant, applying only to learners.

“A young man, who was giving a senior colleague a lift late at night, drove onto the deserted motorway and immediately pulled over to the outside lane. His colleague asked him why he was doing this, to which the young man replied: “Don’t you know?

Michael Read, from North Shore and member of IAMRoadSmartMichael Read, from North Shore and member of IAMRoadSmart
Michael Read, from North Shore and member of IAMRoadSmart

“The inside lane is for doing 50mph, the middle for 60mph and the outer for 70mph.

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“I am a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, now known as IAM RoadSmart, and love cars and motoring, so these two remarks bugged me.

“Don’t they know the Highway Code?” I thought.

“My wife and I moved up to the beautiful Fylde Coast just a few months ago and were immediately struck by how friendly everyone is, it being so easy to crack jokes with complete strangers.

“But the roads are another matter.

“When I was walking to buy the paper, I saw a young man do a U-turn – without signalling - right in front of a car coming in the opposite direction.

“It seems to be normal not to give signals and to push in as much as you can.

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“So many drivers signal right to turn off a roundabout. I don’t trust anyone until I can judge from the position of the car where it is going.

“It is also very common to leave signalling to the last moment.