Owen Oyston's bailiff complaint to be heard in court

Bailiffs visited Owen Oyston's office inside Bloomfield Road last weekBailiffs visited Owen Oyston's office inside Bloomfield Road last week
Bailiffs visited Owen Oyston's office inside Bloomfield Road last week
Owen Oyston's claim that last week's legal enforcement action was unlawful will be heard in court tomorrow.
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Owen Oyston claims legal enforcement action was '˜unlawful'

Having missed January’s deadline to pay a second installment of £10m, Oyston was told in no uncertain terms by a High Court judge that he must pay up immediately or face the consequences of enforcement action being taken to make him sell his assets.

But, in a statement issued through his representatives, Oyston claimed the action was unlawful and has obtained an interim injunction from the High Court.The Royal Courts of Justice in London will now address the case tomorrow, starting at 10.30am, in front of Judge Melissa Clarke.

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It is understood a further hearing will be held on Friday, also in respect of the legal enforcement.

Meanwhile, the Oystons' appeal against last year's Manchester judgement, a battle over the club's finances, will be heard in the Court of Appeal on Wednesday and Thursday.

Belokon was in dispute with the Oystons over his share of profits after he provided £4.7m in July 2008 to develop the south stand and south-west corner of the club’s stadium.

The judge decided in Belokon’s favour on that occasion leaving the Oystons with a bill of at least £2m.