Mikey Moon's health and fitness column: How to handle the second lockdown

Mikey Moon offers health and fitness advice in your Gazette every weekMikey Moon offers health and fitness advice in your Gazette every week
Mikey Moon offers health and fitness advice in your Gazette every week
Fortitude Fitness personal trainer MIKEY MOON continues his weekly health and fitness column. This week Mikey explains how to survive lockdown 2.0...
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Mikey says: Don't make good nutrition too tough

We have reached the point we never thought we would be at – a second lockdown and gyms closing again for four weeks.

So how do we stay in shape during lockdown? Here are some simple rules I am using with clients to help them come back after lockdown without too much damage done....

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1) Set a schedule – Set a time for your workout and stick to it. If you have a set time every day to workout, it will be easier to commit to your session.

2) Have a plan – Don’t just wing it, make sure you plan what you are going to do during your workout and make it count.

3) Keep your food in check – Not going to the gym does not mean your nutrition needs to suffer. The better you keep your nutrition the better you will come out of lockdown.

4) Don’t put too much pressure on yourself – It is perfectly okay to have days when you don’t feel like training. The key is to accept it is okay to feel this way.

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5) Try to get outside if the weather allows – We were spoilt last lockdown with beautiful weather. This one will be different but it is important to enjoy the fresh air if possible. Go for a walk or a run, whatever you can do to be outside.

This lockdown will be hard work again. However, there are little things you can do to make sure you come out of this lockdown in a better position than last time. All the best!

Fortitude Fitness is on the Poulton Industrial Estate, Beacon Road. Visit www.fortitudefit.co.uk for more details.

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