Iconic bowler hat belonging to Stan Laurel to go on display in Blackpool

Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian
The AMUSEUM project incorporating `The Critchlow Legacy' and `A Hat Needing A Home'  photoshoots at Blackpool Central Library, Lancashire.
PICTURE TAKEN ON MONDAY 12 MARCH 2018Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian
The AMUSEUM project incorporating `The Critchlow Legacy' and `A Hat Needing A Home'  photoshoots at Blackpool Central Library, Lancashire.
Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian The AMUSEUM project incorporating `The Critchlow Legacy' and `A Hat Needing A Home' photoshoots at Blackpool Central Library, Lancashire. PICTURE TAKEN ON MONDAY 12 MARCH 2018
An iconic bowler hat once owned '“ and signed '“ by Stan Laurel will be on display at Blackpool's first museum when it opens in 2020.

The hat was ‘acquired’ by the council and will form part of resort musician Cyril Critchlow’s collection.

The comedian – one half of legendary duo Laurel and Hardy – gave it to Cyril after playing at the Palace Theatre in June 1947 and signed the lining: “Hello Cyril, Stan Laurel.”

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When Cyril died a decade ago, his collection was donated to the town – but his hat had already been sold to a private collector in 1989.

But it has since been obtained by the council’s museum and heritage service, and will go on show at the Amuseum, set to be opened in the proposed Sands Hotel on the Central Promenade. It was not known how much, if anything, the council paid.

Curator Emma Heslewood said: “Blackpool is the home of popular entertainment so it’s fantastic that a hat from an internationally renowned comedian, originally given to a local performer in the town over seventy years ago, has finally returned home.”

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